Talim (Vol. 3, Published in June 1993)

Cover Page : Lumbini

Lumbini, the Birthplace of Lord Gautama Buddha, has a special significance for Buddist not only from Nepal but from all over the world. Located some 250 Kilometers southeast from Kathmandu, Lumbini is now being developed as a major center of learning, meditation and pilgrimage.
NAAS and TALIM would like to take this opportunity to pay homage to Lord Buddha and his teachings of selfless love, universal compassion and world peace.

Editorial Board :


  • Mr. Kishore Ram Bhandary


  • Amira Dali
  • Bhawani Bhakta Joshi
  • Asta B. Shakya
  • Kiran N. Shakya
  • Srawan Kumar Bajaj

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